domingo, 7 de febrero de 2010

Valentine's Day( cards, poems and games).

- En este enlace podrás encontrar diferentes modelos de tarjetas para enviar a tus amigos/as en el día de la amistad.
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Roses Are Red...

Roses are red; daisies are white;
Valentine, you make every day a delight.
Violets are blue; daffodils are yellow;
Valentine, you make my heart jiggle like Jello!

Terrific Person

Hey you--you're often on my mind;
You’re a terrific person, one of a kind.
I’m sending this poem, because I want to say
I’m thinking of you on Valentine’sDay.
Top of the list

On Valentine’s Day,
when I think of the people
I care about and value,
you are at the top of the list.
Like a rainbow
glistening through the rain,
like a glowing green spring
after a cold gray winter,
you are a joy and a delight.
Like a good book, a cozy fire,
or a cup of cocoa (with marshmallows),
you are a comfort to me.
I appreciate you.
Happy Valentine’s Day!


Valentine Treat

I hope your Valentine’s Day is great.
I hope it’s quite a treat.
I hope you have a happy day
Filled with things so sweet.

This poem’s for you because I care.
I can’t get more specific.
Well, yes I can, and here I go…
I think you’re terrific!

Don´t break my heart
Row Swap Puzzle
Heart break
Off the edges

2 comentarios:

  1. Estan muy chulos los poemas y seguro que han ayudado a niños que no sabian que poner en las cartas.Me ha encantado.
    Angela 5ºD

  2. Hola teacher,esta muy chuli me ha encantado.
